Exotic Pet Bird

Availability: In Stock

Gang Gang Cockatoo

SKU: gang-gang-cockatoo-for-sale

Original price was: $2,500.00.Current price is: $1,500.00.

Gang-Gang Cockatoo Breeder Pair

  • Length: 54-60 inches
  • Weight: 615–920 grams
  • Banded: Yes
  • DNA Sex: Males/Females (Breeder Pair)


Gang Gang Cockatoo for Sale

Beautiful Red and Grey Cockatoos

Explore the unique beauty of the Gang Gang Cockatoo for sale, an exquisite member of the cockatoo family now available for sale online. Although once thought to be part of the Black Cockatoo group, recent studies have shown that the Gang Gang Cockatoo is more closely related to Galahs and white cockatoos. Known for their occasional hybridization with Galah Cockatoos and even reports of hybrid offspring with Little Corellas, these birds exhibit fascinating adaptability and variation.

Appearance of Gang Gang Cockatoos

The Gang Gang Cockatoo for sale is a small, sturdy cockatoo with an iconic, wispy crest and wide wings. Males stand out with their striking scarlet red head and crest, contrasting beautifully with their slate-grey bodies. Females, on the other hand, have a dark grey head and crest, and their underparts are adorned with pink and yellow feather edging. Both sexes display faint grey edging on their upper wings, which gives a subtle barred effect, while females possess additional yellow feather trim that enhances this pattern.

Young Gang Gang Cockatoo resemble adult females, with young males distinguished by a red forehead and shorter, less developed red crest. Known for being social and rather quiet, these cockatoos can typically be found in food trees, announcing their presence with the sounds of gentle feeding and falling plant debris.

Feeding Habits of Gang Gang Cockatoo For Sale

Gang Gang Cockatoo for sale primarily feed on the seeds of native and introduced trees, favoring eucalyptus, wattles, and hawthorns. They also enjoy a varied diet of berries, fruits, nuts, and even insects and larvae. Although they are mainly arboreal, they will come to the ground to drink water or forage for fallen fruit and pine cones. Outside of the breeding season, these gregarious birds can be seen feeding in flocks of up to 60, while during the breeding season, they gather in smaller family groups or pairs.


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Gang Gang Cockatoo for Sale
You're viewing: Gang Gang Cockatoo Original price was: $2,500.00.Current price is: $1,500.00.
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