Exotic Pet Bird

7 Parakeet Colors

parakeet colors

Parakeet Colors

We’ve all seen adorable parakeets with their vibrant parakeet colors fluttering around pet shop enclosures. They always seem to be as busy as their designs and patterns, sporting so many vivid shades that appeal to onlookers. Outside of pet stores, breeders have been forming mutations that display a huge array of different looks you may have never seen before.

So, just how many colors can a parakeet have? Endless might be a stretch, and we don’t even cover every parakeet in this post. And how many parakeet types are there? Same answer as before. But if you want to explore 27 of the most popular options, check out these gorgeous specimens to see if one of them strikes your fancy.


Blue-Headed Pionus

Original price was: $2,000.00.Current price is: $1,000.00.

indian ringneck for sale

Original price was: $1,800.00.Current price is: $1,300.00.

Tuffy – Golden Parakeet

Original price was: $3,500.00.Current price is: $1,300.00.

Merlot – Moustache Parakeet

Original price was: $2,200.00.Current price is: $1,350.00.

Lilly – Tui Parakeet Parrot

Original price was: $2,300.00.Current price is: $1,550.00.

Urie – Indian Ring Necked Parakeet

Original price was: $1,400.00.Current price is: $800.00.

Dusky-Headed Parakeet

Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $800.00.

Henry – Alexandrine Parakeet for Sale

Original price was: $2,500.00.Current price is: $1,000.00.

Banti – Plum Headed Parakeet

Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $500.00.

The 27 Parakeet Colors, Parakeet Types, Varieties & Patterns

1. Opaline Parakeet

The opaline parakeet has reduced barring over its head and between its shoulders. Due to the opaline gene, it’s a little paler than other breeds of the same color. It’s typically green, blue, or gray with a yellow head.

2. Spangle Parakeet

A spangle types of parakeets will even shade body color that is not diluted and darkest on their chest and rump. The head is often light yellow or white, depending on the body color, and the wings will also be yellow or white. There can also be touches of violet and silver on the cheeks, and the tail will be yellow or white with a black edge.


3. Yellow Parakeet

Yellow chevroned types of parakeets come from South America, and many people refer to them as pocket parrots or beebees. Despite their name, they often have a green body with pale green underparts. It has green and light green wings with yellow highlights and a brown or orange-brown beak. These birds are very playful and often kept as pets.

4. Goldenface Parakeet

Goldenface parakeets typically have a green body like a yellow parakeet but with a deep golden face. After the first molt, the yellow will spread lower on the body. It’s often confused with other types if the color moves too far down the body and onto the wings.


5. Scarlet Crested Parakeet

The scarlet crested types of parakeets is a very unique-looking bird. It has a hooked beak with a large head that houses an intelligent brain. It’s quite popular because of its colorful feathers, along with its ability to stay relatively quiet. It’s small, sweet, and affectionate.

parakeet colors

6. Brown Parakeet

You look at the throat to identify a brown parakeet types. These birds will have a green body with a brown throat. It can also have orange coloring on its forehead, cheeks, and chin, and it may also have blue on its crown. They may also have orange on the wings.


7. Blue Parakeet

Blue parakeets are friendly and have long lifespans that can reach up to 20 years. It has a blue body with white legs, a white head, blue cheeks, and a yellow beak. It’s highly intelligent and will require toys in its cage for mental stimulation.

Goldfinch For Sale

Final Thoughts

Like many tropical birds, parakeets don’t disappoint with color variety, pattern, or type. If you like a particular shade, you can find one that has just about any color scheme you can dream up. Owning a parakeet (or several) can be a real treat. They have a character that differs as much as their feathers and can be a terrific choice for novice and seasoned bird owners alike.

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