Exotic Pet Bird

what can parakeets eat

What do parakeets eat?

What Can Parakeets Eat? Parakeets are mainly grainvores and when living in their wild state eat seeds and grasses which account for many of them being ground feeders. Many species will forage on the forest floor or savannah and dig up various food items. They feed on seeding grasses far more than large parrots. In […]

parakeet colors

7 Parakeet Colors

Parakeet Colors We’ve all seen adorable parakeets with their vibrant parakeet colors fluttering around pet shop enclosures. They always seem to be as busy as their designs and patterns, sporting so many vivid shades that appeal to onlookers. Outside of pet stores, breeders have been forming mutations that display a huge array of different looks […]

How Much Are Parakeets

How Much are Parakeets? Available in a dazzling array of colors and sizes, pet birds provide hours of entertainment and companionship to their owners. With so many different types of birds to choose from, one way that you might narrow down your selection is How Much are Parakeets?. While pet birds can be purchased from […]

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