Exotic Pet Bird

red headed finch

All About Red Headed Finch

Red Headed Finch Red Headed Finch (or House Finches) are a more recent species introduced from western North America to Eastern North America. Due to their cheerful red heads and beautiful twittering song, the Red Finch has received a warmer welcome than some other arrivals, like the House Sparrows and European Starlings.  You’ve probably heard their long […]

types of finches

7 Species of Finches

Types of Finches Finches are beautiful birds that display vibrant colors of many kinds, but not all types of finches should be kept as pets. Some are too wild to enjoy the company of human companions and will simply disengage from daily interactions and become depressed. Out of hundreds of different types of finches that […]

House Finch vs Purple Finch

How to Tell The Difference Between House Finch vs Purple Finch Now that the weather has turned cold your backyard feeders may be alive with birds. Some of them are quite easy to identify, like a Blue Jay or a male Northern Cardinal. Others may be more of a challenge, especially if they look similar […]

Indian Ringneck For Sale, Small Bird With Red Head

small bird with red head

Small Bird With Red Head What Is A Zebra Finch? Zebra finches are indeed one of the most popular finch species, thanks to their affordability and widespread availability. These small bird with red head, multi-colored birds have been cherished as pets for over a century. They typically have a lifespan of up to 10 years […]

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