Exotic Pet Bird

pine siskin vs house finch

Pine Siskin vs. House Finch

Pine Siskin vs House Finch A lot of bird species look very similar to other bird species. But when it comes to the pine siskin vs house finch species, the similarities are incredibly striking. But, with a few guidelines on the differences between the two, anyone will be able to tell the two types of […]

red headed finch

All About Red Headed Finch

Red Headed Finch Red Headed Finch (or House Finches) are a more recent species introduced from western North America to Eastern North America. Due to their cheerful red heads and beautiful twittering song, the Red Finch has received a warmer welcome than some other arrivals, like the House Sparrows and European Starlings.  You’ve probably heard their long […]

blue quaker parrot

Blue Quaker Parrot (Monk Parakeet)

Blue Quaker Parrot Personality, Diet & Lifespan A Blue Quaker Parrot (Blue Monk Parakeet) is a funny and affectionate avian companion just like all Quaker parrots. Well, except for their obvious color due to years of selective breeding. For such a small size, the Blue Quaker Parrot packs so much value with its outstanding talking […]

How To Cook Quail Eggs

Cooking Quail Eggs

How To Cook Quail Eggs What are quail eggs? A quail is a small game bird from the pheasant and partridge family. They are brown and small; they are about 10-20 cm/ 4-8 inches, and they weigh between 70 and 140 g/ 2.5-5 oz. That’s why their eggs are so small compared to those of […]

what does quail taste like

What does Quail taste like?

Benefits and What Does Quail Taste Like What does quail taste like?Known for its impressive health benefits and delicious taste, quail meat is one of the most popularly eaten meats in the world. It is consumed extensively in Asian countries like China and Japan. Originating in North America, quails are also found in Asia, Europe, […]

Peacock Feather

10 Brilliant Facts About Peacocks

Peacock Feather With their massive peacock feather tails and iridescent colors, peacocks have long fascinated their human observers—and we’re still learning their secrets. For example, a study in The British Journal of Animal Behaviour suggests that when a peacock fans its dazzling train for the ladies during mating season, its quivering feathers emit and amplify a low-frequency […]

small parrots

Parrotlet Species

Small Parrots | Parrotlet Species, Diet, Lifespan, Personality Choosing a pet parrot isn’t as easy as it sounds. There are dozens of different species that can be bought in pet shops today. The parrotlet stands to the side as one of the smallest species of parrots in the world, and is in fact the smallest […]

large bird cages for sale

Choosing A Parrot Cage

Large Bird Cages For Sale There seems to be little discussion on the subject of large bird cages for sale, which is unfortunate. After all, the purchase of a cage is secondary in importance only to the choice of which species of bird to get – and a cage accounts for a large percentage of […]

what can parakeets eat

What do parakeets eat?

What Can Parakeets Eat? Parakeets are mainly grainvores and when living in their wild state eat seeds and grasses which account for many of them being ground feeders. Many species will forage on the forest floor or savannah and dig up various food items. They feed on seeding grasses far more than large parrots. In […]

parakeet colors

7 Parakeet Colors

Parakeet Colors We’ve all seen adorable parakeets with their vibrant parakeet colors fluttering around pet shop enclosures. They always seem to be as busy as their designs and patterns, sporting so many vivid shades that appeal to onlookers. Outside of pet stores, breeders have been forming mutations that display a huge array of different looks […]

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